The Hbada Office Adjustable Chair Review – Is This From The Future? - Reviewer Guide

by Melissa Garner 4 min read

Here I was at the office looking at a futuristic Hbada chair to upgrade to. Don’t get me wrong… I absolutely love my standing desk setup but sometimes I found myself needing to sit down after hours passed by.  With over 200+ reviews I figured what could go wrong? I would soon find out after my chair from the future showed up.

First off it’s worth noting that if for some reason you are in a rush, despite it being on amazon prime it does take longer than your average 2-3 prime shipping window. I think it was closer to 5 days. No complaints really but it goes to show how spoiled we are with shipping times these days.

Onward! All 37 lbs of glory shows up at the office. It’s a large package so I have a co-worker assist me with carrying it up the stairs. Yeah I got some muscle in these arms and legs! Like any kid on their birthday I rip into the package to take out all of the parts and begin assembling. I’m no installation genius so I was stumped at one step of the instructions. But after some time fiddling around it hit me what I was doing wrong! I had to put the back rest actually in the hinge instead of outside of it. No wonder why it didn’t stay put well when I attached the bolts. Definitely user error but it’s not like there was a diagram of it on the instructions.

Anyways once I passed that little hiccup it was complete in no time. I reckon if I hadn’t encountered that hiccup I could have had the whole Hbada chair installed in 10 minutes.


It’s pretty darn comfy! I have habit of putting my legs up on the chair but even sitting perfectly upright I feel like I could sit here for hours if I needed to. The seat cushion has just enough cushion to let you sink in a bit but also firm enough that you aren’t struggling to get out of the chair when needing to stand up. I’ve had some home furniture that sinks in too much where it almost feels like you’re trapped and it ends up causing back pain if sitting there too long. With this chair I don’t have this problem which is definitely a good thing. The arm rests also have enough cushion too if you like to lean on one side completely. At this point some chairs might start to wobble or tip over but not this chair. I can distribute my weight entirely to one side without any fear.

It’s been 11 months at this time of writing and my back and legs are pretty happy since I got the chair. As for the chair itself it seems to be holding up well with no signs of wear. A positive sign for this futuristic chair. Which brings me to the aesthetics of it. I must say every time I walk up to my chair I’m pleased with the design. In particular the backside which is slightly transparent and the whole white trim of the chair. It really makes it’s case for one of the sharpest designs I’ve ever seen.


I’m really banging my head against the wall trying to think of something negative about this chair but I can’t quite seem to come up with anything significant. I swear it’s not writers block! I use it daily and I’m pretty sure I would have found something by now if there was something to write about. After thorough searching I found one dinky thread coming up out of the seat cushion. I don’t think it was there when I first got it but it could have been caused by me scooting around with maybe a metal button or zipper. That’s all I got here.

Overall thoughts On The Hbada Office Adjustable Chair, High Back with Breathable Mesh Recline Desk Chair, White

If you like a sleek design that isn’t overly gamer looking this is definitely a rock solid choice. It’s boosted my productivity at work while sitting and I can’t seem to come up with any real complaints. In addition to this it gives my back and legs a well deserved rest when I’m not standing at my desk. The price is very reasonable in my personal opinion for a unique looking chair while also providing ergonomic comforts you would expect. I initially compared it to their one and two step ups from this one but decided I preferred the looks of this one. I imagine it’s probably about the same comfort level with the exception of a higher head rest.

If you have this Hbada Office Chair or on the market for a office chair, write in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you and please let me know what you think about it!

Melissa Garner
Melissa Garner

I'm a writer here at Reviewer Guide. My motto is to have fun with retail therapy and create lifetime experiences. I've managed to design my life to have the best of both worlds. Although half of those experiences are food which I'm definitely not mad about :)

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